The initial technological development of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging was motivated primarily by applications in medicine and biology (for example, Morris, 1986); however, increasing attention is now being given to applications to nonliving systems such as porous media (Osment et al., 1990) and polymer science (Jackson et al., 1991). These applications place higher demands on hardware performance and ingenuity in imaging protocol design, principally because of the broader linewidths and shorter relaxation times found in such heterogeneous systems compared with those of biological tissues. NMR relaxometry in heterogeneous systems has provided insight into pore sizes, surface area, and molecular dynamics in porous media (Banavar and Schwartz, 1989), suspensicns (Fripiat et al., 1982), and hydrating cement (Lasic, 1989). Most of the latter are studies of the 'H (proton) resonance of water in a hydrating slurry. Even for relaxometry, measurements can be difficult in commercial cements (Mc-Tavish et al., 1985) because of the short relaxation times typically found. Standard imaging experiments are almost unviable; the broad linewidth severely limits the spatial resolution which can be achieved, and in spin-echo techniques (Mansfield and Morris, 1982) the short transverse relaxation time T2 usually causes severe attenuation of the NMR signal by the time spatially encoded data can be acquired. This conclusion is in opposition to a naive view that the high water content of cement slurries makes them a natural candidate for NMR studies. Nevertheless, with a suitable compromise in material choice and some ingenuity in experiment design, high contrast images of simulated voids in a wet cement slurry can be obtained, as we demonstrate in this work.By "void" we mean both nonporous solid objects and gasor vapor-filled bubbles or fissures giving negligible liquid-state proton NMR signal. The motivation of this study was to develop a technique by which movement of gas "voids" within a slurry could be examined experimentally. Natural gas migration is an important failure mode of oil-well cementing E. J. Fordham is on leave from Schlumberger Cambridge Research Ltd.operations (Parcevaux et al., 1990). The imaging speeds achieved (down to 5 seconds per slice-selective image) indicate that this technique is feasible for such applications. Other viable applications may be in imaging aggregate distribution or crack detection in model concretes and in ceramic casting, or indeed in void detection in any other proton-containing material with comparable values of its NMR parameters.
MaterialsTwo cements were examined. The imaging study used a cosmetic white Portland cement "Snowcrete" supplied by Blue Circle Industries PLC. Comparison relaxation measurements on a sample of an oilfield Class G cement were also made. The white cement differs from typical ordinary portland cements (OPC's) in having a very low iron content (less than 0.5% Fe,O, w/w) and a correspondingly higher aluminum content. The silicate contents are very simil...