In 1995 LEÉL-ŐSSY Sz. published in this bulletin an overview of the caves of the Buda Hills. Due mainly to the progress in investigation methods and to new building construction sites in the area, since LEÉL-ŐSSY's work there have not only been new discoveries but new results have emerged from research into the genetics and minerals of local hypogene caves. To give one example, in 1995 30 km of cave pasages were known in the Rózsadomb; now that figure is 55 km. Among the new theories related to genetics, the most important one focuses on altered zones and the source and the mixing of the ascending thermal water that created the caves. The number of known mineral species in the Buda caves has increased from 15 to 31. This was the time of the first age determinations, which provided us with actual dates.Today there are 239 known caves in the Buda Hills and 176 caves in Budapest (including the caves in Róka Hill, which belongs to the Pilis Hills). In the area of Rózsadomb there are 102 caves on the list of the Hungarian Cave Register.In the last 20 years, the most important cave discoveries in the Rózsadomb area were in Molnár János Cave (mainly in the phreatic zone), and in the Hideglyuk, Harcsaszájú and Pál-völgy Caves. After the discovery of the connecting passages between the last three mentioned caves and the Mátyás-hegy Cave, this Pál-völgy Cave System is recently the longest known cave system (31 km long) in Hungary. Its length exceeds the Baradla Cave in Aggtelek-Jósvafő (together with the part of the Baradla Cave in Slovakia -there known as the Domica Cave). Furthermore, a major result of the speleogical investigations has been the discovery of the Mélyszint (deep part) of the Ferenc-hegy Cave; formerly, knowledge about this cave was based on the surface-close passages. The discovery of three "new" small caves -the Citadella Crystal Cave, the Királylaki Cave and the József-hegy No. 4 Cave -is also significant. This is due to their having valuable mineral precipitations and their potential for further investigations. In addition to these three important caves, over the last 20 years 28 small caves have been found by explorers: mainly in the Rózsadomb area and in the Buda Hills.Keywords: hypogenic speleogenesis, Pál-völgy Cave System, Citadella Crystal Cave, Királylaki Cave, altered zones, age of the speleothems Összefoglalás LEÉL-ŐSSY Sz. 1995-ben közölt összefoglalót a Budai-hegység barlangjairól e lap hasábjain. Az azóta eltelt időszak -ban -a kutatási módszerek fejlődésének, és a megszaporodott hegyvidéki építke zéseknek köszönhetően -nemcsak új feltárások történtek (főként a Rózsadomb térségében, ahol az 1995-ben ismert 30 km-es járathossz csaknem a duplájára, 55 km-re növekedett), hanem az itteni hipogén barlangok genetikájával, ásványvilágával kapcsolatban is számos új eredmény született. A keletkezéssel kapcsolatos új elméletek közül az elvál tozott (kovás) zónákkal és a barlangot kioldó aszcendens termálvizek eredetével és keveredésével kapcsolatos új eredményeket kell kiemelnünk. A Budai-he...