The water quality performance of a 'failed' stormwater infiltration basin that has 'transitioned' to a wetpond/wetland has been evaluated over a three-year period. Total suspended solids, heavy metals, and chloride in highway runoff and discharge from the transitioned basin were measured during 38 storm events. The transitioned basin provided significant reductions in TSS Event Mean Concentrations (EMCs) and mass in the runoff. Reductions in metal EMCs generally occurred. Chloride followed a seasonal cycle of high loading and mass export during colder periods, and gradual reductions in both EMCs and mass during other periods. The cumulative mass reductions were 89% TSS, 73% copper, 63% lead, 55% zinc, and 45% chloride for the study period. Combined with the dry-weather water quality in the transitioned basin, the mechanisms of pollutant removal were identified as volume reduction, sedimentation, adsorption, and dilution. The presence of wetpond/wetland features, including hydrophytic vegetatioņ enhanced the pollutant removal processes.