We examined the dynamic pressure change at the seafloor to estimate the centroid moment tensor solutions of the largest and second largest foreshocks (M w 7.2 and 6.5) of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Combination of onshore broadband seismograms and high-frequency (~20-200 s) seafloor pressure records provided the resolution of the horizontal locations of the centroids, consistent with the results of tsunami inversion using the long-period (≳10 min) seafloor pressure records although the depth was not constrained well, whereas the source locations were poorly constrained by the onshore seismic data alone. Also, the waveforms synthesized from the estimated CMT solution demonstrated the validity of the theoretical relationship between pressure change and vertical acceleration at the seafloor. The results of this study suggest that offshore pressure records can be utilized as offshore seismograms, which would be greatly useful for revealing the source process of offshore earthquakes. Near-field pressure records obtained~20 km from two local earthquakes (M w 7.2 and M w 6.5, National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED), 2011a, 2011b) (the station and earthquake locations are in Figure 1) are shown in Figure 2. By applying a low-pass filter (>400 s) to the original records (gray), we obtained clear tsunami signals (blue). The maximum tsunami height was~10 cm (Figure 2b) and 1 cm (Figure 2e) for the M w 7.2 and 6.5 earthquakes, respectively. Some studies have estimated earthquake fault models by analyzing such tsunami signals in the OBPGs (e.g.,