“…However, alkene hydroaminoalkylation with tertiary amine substrates that do not contain an extra directing group could already be achieved in the presence of cationic scandium catalysts (Scheme 1 b). [7] Unfortunately, scandium must be regarded as a highly expensive metal [8] and the catalysts, which need to be synthesized by laborious processes, are only active at elevated temperatures of 70-120 8C. [7a,c,e] Based on our experiences in the development of titaniumcatalyzed hydroaminoalkylation reactions of alkenes, allenes, [9] and alkynes, [10] and the fact that non-toxic titanium is the second most abundant transition metal in the earths crust, [11] we recently started a project to identify an alternative, less expensive, titanium-based catalyst system for the intermolecular hydroaminoalkylation of alkenes with simple tertiary amines (Scheme 1 c).…”