Study and exploration of the pre-Jurassic oil and gas complex in Western Siberia is one of the aspects of hydrocarbon raw-material base development. The main scope of this study is to locate the source of Paleozoic hydrocarbons. The problem of modeling and assessing the role of Paleozoic-Mesozoic hydrocarbon generation centers in the formation of «Paleozoic» oil deposits in the section of the Ostaninskoe oil and gas condensate field (Tomsk region) is solved. In the formation of the oil and gas content of the pre-Jurassic basement two reservoirs are involved: the weathering crust and the roof of the bed-rock Paleozoic. The first was formed during the period of 213–208 Ma, and the second is genetically determined by epigenetic processes in the weathering crust. Potential hydrocarbon sources for the weathering crust and bed-rock Paleozoic reservoirs are Domanic type rocks in the crystalline basement: Larinskaya S1lr, Mirnaya D1mr, Chuzikskaya D2cz, Chaginskaya D3cg Formations, as well as Tyumenskaya J1-2tm and Bazhenovskaya J3bg Formations in sedimentary cover.
To perform joint paleotemperature modeling of sedimentary basins of the «modern» Jurassic-Cretaceous and Paleozoic «paleobasins», the Ostaninskaya 438P well was selected, which is due to the presence of measured temperatures both in the Jurassic sections and in the pre-Jurassic formations, as well as fluid inflows from the pre-Jurassic horizons into the well. At the first step, the solution of the inverse problem of geothermics was obtained using reservoir temperatures and vitrinite reflectance measurements from the Mesozoic deposits: density of deep heat flow from the base of sedimentary section was determined, which is characterized by a quasi-constant value from the Jurassic to the present. The second step was to solve the inverse problem using vitrinite reflectance measurements from Paleozoic sediments. As a result, the heat flow value was obtained for the key moments of geodynamic history of the stratigraphic section, starting from the Silurian. By solving direct problems of geothermics with the given values of heat flow, the structural-tectonic and thermal history of four Paleozoic potential oil source formations (as well as Jurassic – Bazhenov and Tyumen Formations) has been retraced. The controversial aspects of the heat transfer model in the section of the Ostaninskoe field are considered.
It has been established that the Tyumen and Bazhenov oil sources (most likely Bazhenov) are syngenetic (in terms of generation, accumulation and preservation time) for the weathering crust and the Paleozoic reservoirs. The role of the Chaginskaya Formation as gas source is insignificant.