Abstract. The African trypanosome is a protozoan which causes sleeping sickness in mammals. To study the dynamics of this microorganism at low Reynolds number, we implement and investigate three swimmer models, the Taylor sheet, a constanttorque swimmer, and a model for the African trypanosome. The first two swimmers are based on a semi-flexible sheet and the third is a full three-dimensional model. We simulate the viscous fluid environment of the swimmers using a technique called multi-particle collision dynamics. We verify our technique by implementing the Taylor sheet which is activated by a bending wave traveling along the sheet. Its ballistic motion turns into diffusive motion when the sheet becomes passive. For the constant-torque swimmer we apply a torque to the semi-flexible sheet which assumes a cork-screw shape and then generates the thrust force for propelling the swimmer forward. Whereas the angular velocity scales linearly with the torque, the swimming velocity displays a non-linear dependence. Finally, our trypanosome model swims with the help of a beating flagellum attached to the cell body. Since it wraps around the body, the model trypanosome displays a helical swimming trajectory. The swimming velocity displays a non-linear increase with the beating frequency of the flagellum.