Despite the ubiquitousness and technological and scientific importance of granular matter, our understanding is still very poor compared to molecular fluids and solids. Until today, there is no unified description, which indeed seems unreachable. However, it has been proposed that important advances could be attained for noncohesive, hard-sphere like systems, by combining fluid dynamics with phase-field modeling through an appropriate order parameter (Aranson and Tsimring, 2006). Here, we present a review of the dynamics of confined granular matter, for which this systematic approach has proven its value. Motivated by the pioneering work of Olafsen and Urbach (1998), many experimental, theoretical and numerical studies of model confined granular systems have been realized, which have unveiled a very large variety of fundamental phenomena. In this review, we focus on few of these fundamental aspects, namely phase coexistence, effective surface tension, and a detailed description of the liquid state.