The investigational studies of regression dependence of the new efficient regular packing bed’s flow friction on gas velocity and liquid spray rate has been carried out. The tests were made by the procedure of a complete two-factor experiment. On account of experiment design matrix, there are four tests to be made to determine the regression dependence. It is found that the packing bed’s flow friction builds up along with increase of superficial gas velocity and liquid spray rate. The regression dependence that puts packing bed’s flow friction in touch with superficial gas velocity and liquid spray rate is procured. The specific dependence is valid for air velocity 1.21-3.12 m/sec and liquid spray rate 0.0080-0.0304 m3/(m2 sec). The conclusion on significance of regression dependencies has been made in terms of Student’s t-test. The sufficiency of regression equation has been inspected via the Fisher’s criterion. The resulting regression equation can be utilized in the design and engineering process of absorbers with the shock-spray packing.