Nature's pumping systems allow for a more even stress distribution throughout the circuit than human-made devices. [1,2] Squid and jellyfish locomotion involves active fluid movement by soft tubular membranes. This also pertains to the transport of fluids within vessel invertebrates and the associated biofluid dynamics. To limit the damage to tissues (e.g., cardiac tissues), it is imperative to bound the problem of local stress maxima. Assistive devices with more muscle-like behavior are now required and soft actuators lend themselves for this purpose. [3,4] Human-made examples of valveless chamber pumps include bellows and diaphragms, with natural analogies of these found in urethral pumps, jellyfish jet propulsion, dragonfly nymphs' anal jets, snakes, spiders with venom injection, and insects blood-and-nectar sucking. [2] Attempts have been made to model the squid and jellyfish with dielectric elastomers (DEs), with limited performance. [5] Translatory or peristaltic pumping corresponding to valveless moving chambers is found in intestines, mammalian esophagus, annelid hearts, and those of holothurians and arthropods, as well as burrowing worms. [2] In this spirit, biorobotics aims to emulate natural system performance to study the underlying fundamental mechanisms of complex behaviors such as locomotion [6,7] in fluids which can involve pumping action. [8] However, the substantial utilization of soft materials poses an essential discrepancy between animals and conventional robots, [9] due to its high-impact dissipation energy, damping oscillations, and the smoothing out of irregular movements and forces. Soft active materials are therefore now required to develop compliant, intelligent systems to develop more life-like capabilities with less impedance mismatch vis-a-vis natural systems. [10,11] When it comes to soft actuators inspired by muscle-like behavior, a variety of solutions have been proposed, each of which with its limitations. For example, fluidic soft actuators [12] have been used in a multitude of applications, [13,14] though the speed of operation and efficiency still pose major limitations. Likewise, thermally actuated fiber-reinforced polymer-based artificial actuators generate large actuation forces, though these solutions are