The molecular function of biomacromolecules is determined by both their 3D structure and conformational dynamics. NMR cross-correlated relaxation (CCR) contains information about local structure and local anisotropic dynamics. CCR arises from the interference of two relaxation mechanisms such as chemical shift anisotropy (CSA) and dipoledipole (DD) interactions, which are described by tensors in 3D space, and contains information about the relative orientation of these tensors and their correlated motion. [1][2][3][4] In this respect, CCR rates involving CSA tensors are most useful, as they sample local structure and dynamics along three orthogonal axes. Over the past few years, numerous NMR experiments have been designed to measure crosscorrelated relaxation rates to determine local molecular geometry, [3,5] to study local dynamics, [6][7][8][9] and to characterize chemical-shift tensors in solution.[10-12] Different models of anisotropic local motion of the peptide plane have been discussed. [7,9,[13][14][15] Whereas CCR processes in principle contain an enormous amount of information, the interpretation of these relaxation rates must be treated with great care. For example, a CSA/DD relaxation process depends on many factors, including the local molecular structure, the magnitude of the CSA and orientation of the shift tensor in the fixed molecular frame, and local anisotropic dynamics.[2] To simplify this problem, the magnitude of the CSA and orientation of the shift tensor, both of which are difficult to access experimentally and theoretically, are often treated as fixed invariable parameters. Alternatively, the effect of dynamics is included through a generalized (isotropic) order parameter, which represents a considerable simplification to the complex hierarchy of internal anisotropic dynamic modes that characterize the local motion of the peptide plane. Recently, the vector fluctuations of N À H and C'ÀC a bonds were monitored by studying the temperature dependence of cross-correlated relaxation rates rather than their absolute values, thereby diminishing the influence of uncertainties in CSA parameters.