Aluminium alloys are susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) in specific conditions, which can be asso ciated with hydrogen embrittlement (HE). Interrupted SCC tests are often performed to evaluate the suscepti bility of the samples to a specific environment under mechanical loading. Those tests consist in a pre-corrosion step, which can lead to hydrogen-precharging, followed by a tensile test in air. The present study, perfonned on a 7046 aluminium alloy, confinned literature data showing that tensile tests in laboratory air on as-polished samples at sufficiently low strain rates led to a significant hydrogen ingress. Depending on the sample micro structure, varions hydrogen-dislocations and dislocations-microstructure interactions could be effective leading to a change in the tensile behaviour of the samples. Such a phenomenon cotùd lead to misinterpret the interrupted sec tests perfonned on hydrogen-precharged sarnples. In the present study, a corrected sec sus ceptibility factor was defined to better analyse the interrupted SCC tests.