2Quantum calculations on much of the voltage sensing domain (VSD) of the K v 1.2 potassium channel (pdb: 3Lut) have been carried out on a 904 atom subset of the VSD, plus 24 water molecules (total, 976 atoms). Those side chains that point away from the center of the VSD were truncated; in all calculations, S1,S2,S3 end atoms were fixed; in some calculations, S4 end atoms were also fixed, while in other calculations they were free. After optimization at Hartree-Fock level, single point calculations of energy were carried out using DFT (B3LYP/6-31G**), allowing accurate energies of different cases to be compared. Open conformations (i.e., zero or positive membrane potentials) are consistent with the known X-ray structure of the open state when the salt bridges in the VSD are not ionized (H + on the acid), whether S4 end atoms were fixed or free (closer fixed than free). Based on these calculations, the backbone of the S4 segment, free or not, moves no more than 2.5 Å upon switching from positive to negative membrane potential, and the movement is in the wrong direction for closing the channel. This leaves H + motion as the principal component of gating current. Groups of 3-5 side chains are important for proton transport, based on the calculations. Our calculations point to a pair of steps in which a proton transfers from a tyrosine, Y266, through arginine (R300), to a glutamate (E183); this would account for approximately 20-25% of the gating charge. The calculated charges on each arginine and glutamate are appreciably less than one. Groupings of five amino acids appear to exchange a proton; the group is bounded by the conserved aromatic F233. Dipole rotations appear to also contribute. Alternate interpretations of experiments usually understood in terms of the standard model are shown to be plausible.. CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license It is made available under a (which was not peer-reviewed) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity.The copyright holder for this preprint . http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/154070 doi: bioRxiv preprint first posted online Jun. 23, 2017;The mechanism of gating of voltage gated ion channels has been the subject of study ever since their existence was proposed by Hodgkin and Huxley 1 . They pointed out that the response to depolarization of the membrane would have to be preceded by a capacitative current, called gating current, as charge rearranged in response to the changing electric field. This was first measured in 1974 by two groups, Keynes and Rojas 2 , and Armstrong and Bezanilla 3 . The channel structure turned out to be tetrameric, exactly so for K + channels, not exactly for Na + channels; in this paper we will be concerned with a K + channel. Each channel contains four domains, each with a voltage sensing domain (VSD). Each VSD is composed of four transmembrane (TM) segments; each domain also has 2 TM segments that contribute to the 8 TM segments forming the pore through which the ion traverses the membrane. The way in whic...