“…They were found, inter alia, in Cam brian KCl-de pos its from the south ern part of the Si be rian plat form (Pustyl'nikov, 1975), Mis sis sip pian rocks of east ern Can ada (Roulston and Waugh, 1983;Waugh and Urquhart, 1983;Davison, 2009), Lower Perm ian of the Solikamsk De pres sion in the Ural Foredeep (Vinokurov, 1958;Ivanov and Voronova, 1972;Smetannikov, 2011), within the Verkhnepechora Ba sin (Ivanov and Voronova, 1968) as well as in the Kramatorsk Se ries of Donbass (Bobrov et al, 1968), Up per Perm ian of the Del a ware Ba sin, south east ern New Mex ico, USA (Bickham, 2012), Up per Perm ian (Zechstein) salt de pos its of Ger many (Borchert, 1959), Cre ta ceous to Paleogene (Maha Sarakham For ma tion) of the Khorat Pla teau, north east ern Thai land (Suwanich, 1983;Tabakh et al, 1999), Paleogene and Neo gene of North ern and Cen tral Iran (Rahimpour-Bonab and Alijani, 2003;Baikpour et al, 2010), and Mio cene of the Carpathian Foredeep in Ukraine (Koriñ, 1994). The na ture of such colouration has been in ves tigated for over 150 years by many re search ers rep re sent ing vari ous fields.…”