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NRC Publications Record / Notice d'Archives des publications de CNRC: NdScSi and NdScGe were synthesized from the elements via arc-melting and subsequent annealing. Their ordered La 2 Sb type structures, with space group I4/mmm, were refined from single crystal X-ray diffractometer data: a ¼428.94(6) and b ¼1570.5(3) pm, wR2 ¼ 0.0395, 309 F 2 values for NdScSi and a ¼431.2(1) and c ¼1581.3(5) pm, wR2 ¼ 0.1220, 227 F 2 values for NdScGe, with 11 variables per refinement.Hydrogen insertion was performed on both Nd-based intermetallics by solid/gas reaction. Hydrogen uptake keeps the pristine compound space group but yields an anisotropic expansion of the unit cell with a large increase of c ( E þ7%) and a slight decrease of a ( E À 1.7%) parameters. Hydrogen absorption at 350°C and under 5 bar of H 2 pressure shows that the hydride NdScSiH 1.48(5) is formed. An in-situ neutron diffraction study during the deuteration of NdScSi reveals for the first time in a CeScSi-type compound, the possibility to fill two interstitial sites with deuterium atoms, leading to the composition NdScSiD 1.5 for the deuteride adopting then the La 2 Fe 2 Se 2 O 3 -type structure.From magnetization measurements, we evidence that hydrogenation strongly reduces the Curie temperature of NdScSi (T C ¼ 175 K) and NdScGe (T C ¼194 K) since NdScSiH 1.5 and NdScGeH x undergo a magnetic transition at 4 K and around 2 K, respectively.