This article outlines Kyoto Fusioneering's (KF's) initial engineering and development activities for its self-cooled lithium lead-type blanket: Self-Cooled Yuryo Lithium-Lead Advanced (SCYLLA©). We provide details on overall design, including an initial tritium breeding ratio (TBR) assessment via neutronics analysis, as well as the status of SCYLLA©-relevant R&D. This includes silicon carbide composite (SiC f /SiC) manufacturing techniques, tritium extraction, materials compatibility, and heat transfer, which are being explored via collaboration with Kyoto University. Results of previous work in relation to this R&D are presented. Permeability coefficients indicate a promising property of SiC f /SiC tritium hermeticity at high temperatures. Tritium extraction technology via vacuum sieve tray (VST) is shown to be demonstrated at engineering scale. A local TBR of up to 1.4 can be achieved with the SCYLLA© configuration. Fabrication methods for various SiC f /SiC components including the blanket module, heat exchanger, and flow path components are provided. A tritium compatible high-temperature SiC f /SiC heat exchanger is discussed. Commercial viability and reactor adaptability are considered as a theme throughout. Finally, KF's plans to build a facility for demonstration reactor relevant testing of a SCYLLA© prototype in the mid-2020s, which will provide a significant step toward commercial fusion energy, are presented.