The latest research results in the areas of tritium breeding materials properties, coolants, hydrogen isotope interactions with structural materials, tritium recovery cycles and plasma interactions with the first wall are reviewed. Areas where required information is currently lacking are identified, and specific recommendations are made for work which should be given priority in order to most rapidly advance the international effort in fusion technology. These areas include: liquid-metal/structural-alloy interactions (including magnetic-field effects), analytical techniques for low levels of tritium and impurities in breeder materials, tritium interactions with breeder and structural materials, thermochemistry and therm ophysical properties of solid breeder materials, corrosion product transport and deposition in magnetic fields, hot-water reactions with Lii 7 Pbs3 and ceramic breeding materials, tritium handling and recovery cycles, chemical reactions at the plasma/wall interface and impurity getters, and in-pile of pilot-scale tests of breeder materials, tritium interactions with structural materials and discharge cleaning of advanced first-wall materials.CONTENTS. 1. INTRODUCTION; 2. STATUS REVIEW: 2.1. Breeding materials; 2.1.1. Liquid metals; 2.1.2. Solid breeders; 2.1.3. Solubility of hydrogen in breeder materials; 2.2. Coolants; 2.3. Hydrogen isotope transport and related effects; 2.3.1. Permeability; 2.3.2. Embrittlement; 2.4. Tritium cycles; 2.5. Plasma/wall and limiter interaction; 2.5.1. Discharge cleaning of the first wall; 2.5.2. Chemical sputtering; 2.5.3. Recombination of atomic hydrogen and permeation; 2.5.4. Effect of radiation from plasmas on chemical processes at the first wall; 2.5.5. Impurity control in hydrogen; 2.6. General considerations on a power reactor tritium breeding blanket; 3.