The oxidative environment within the lung generated upon administration of oxygen may be a critical regulator for the efficacy of inhaled nitric oxide therapy, possibly as a consequence of changes in nitrosative and nitrative chemistry. Changes in S-nitrosocysteine and 3-nitrotyrosine adducts were therefore evaluated after exposure of rats to 80% or Ͼ95% oxygen for 24 or 48 h with and without 20 ppm inhaled nitric oxide. Exposure to 80% oxygen led to increased formation of S-nitrosocysteine and 3-nitrotyrosine adducts in lung tissue that were also associated with increased expression of iNOS. The addition of inhaled nitric oxide in 80% oxygen exposure did not alter any of these adducts in the lung or in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Exposure to Ͼ95% oxygen led to a significant decrease in S-nitrosocysteine and an increase in 3-nitrotyrosine adducts in the lung. Co-administration of inhaled nitric oxide with Ͼ95% oxygen prevented the decrease in S-nitrosocysteine levels. The levels of S-nitrosocysteine and 3-nitrotyrosine returned to baseline in a time-dependent fashion after termination of exposure to Ͼ95% oxygen and inhaled nitric oxide. These data suggest the formation of S-nitrosating and tyrosine-nitrating species is regulated by oxygen tensions and co-administration of inhaled nitric oxide restores the nitrosative chemistry without a significant impact upon the nitrative pathway. (1-4). The use of inhaled NO has been shown to improve oxygenation in premature infants with severe hypoxemic respiratory failure (5), and a preliminary study of infants with established CLD has shown both a reduced supplemental oxygen requirement and improved arterial oxygen tension in 11 of 16 infants (6). More recently, Schreiber et al. (7) have demonstrated a decrease in death and chronic lung disease in premature infants given inhaled NO.One of the concerns regarding the use of inhaled NO in conjunction with hyperoxia has been the potential of forming secondary reactive nitrogen species (8 -10). Hyperoxia induces the formation of reactive oxygen species, which may consume NO, preventing its therapeutic effects. The reactive nitrogen species formed may also contribute to oxidative injury, and evidence for protein oxidation and nitration has been accumulating in experimental models of hyperoxia-induced lung injury. In particular, hyperoxia has been found to cause damage to alveolar epithelium and endothelium (11,12), and extensive nitration in airway epithelium and alveolar interstitium has been noted in female mice exposed to hyperoxia (13). Recently, in a model of hyperoxia in newborn rats, macrophages were demonstrated to play a significant role in the generation of reactive oxygen species and 3-nitrotyrosine (14). Peroxidases may also contribute to the formation of nitrative species (15, 16), and myeloperoxidase specifically has been implicated