An outstanding mystery in biology is why some species, such as the axolotl, can scarlessly heal and regenerate tissues while most mammals cannot. Here, we demonstrate that rapid activation of protein synthesis is a unique, and previously uncharacterized, feature of the injury response critical for limb regeneration in the axolotl (A. mexicanum). By applying polysome sequencing, we identify hundreds of transcripts, including antioxidants and ribosome components, which do not change in their overall mRNA abundance but are selectively activated at the level of translation from pre-existing mRNAs in response to injury. In contrast, we show that protein synthesis is not activated in response to digit amputation in the non-regenerative mouse. We further identify the mTORC1 pathway as a key upstream signal that mediates this regenerative translation response in the axolotl. Inhibition of this pathway is sufficient to suppress translation and axolotl regeneration. Surprisingly, although mTOR is highly evolutionarily conserved, we discover unappreciated expansions in mTOR protein sequence among urodele amphibians. By engineering an axolotl mTOR in human cells, we demonstrate that this change creates a hypersensitive kinase that may allow axolotls to maintain this pathway in a highly labile state primed for rapid activation. This may underlie metabolic differences and nutrient sensing between regenerative and non-regenerative species that are key to regeneration. Together, these findings highlight the unanticipated impact of the translatome on orchestrating the early steps of wound healing in highly regenerative species and provide a missing link in our understanding of vertebrate regenerative potential.