Abstract. Subsurface gas storage in porous media is a viable option
to mitigate shortages in energy supply in systems largely based on renewable
sources. Fault systems adjacent to or intersecting with gas storage could
potentially result in a leakage of stored gas. Variations in formation
pressure during a storage operation can affect the gas leakage rates,
requiring a site and scenario specific assessment. In this study, a
geological model of an existing structure in the North German Basin (NGB) is
developed, parameterised and a methane gas storage operation is simulated.
Based on the observed storage pressure, a sensitivity study aimed at
determining gas leakage rates for different parametrisations of the fault
damage zone is performed using a simplified 2-D model. The leakage scenario
simulations show a strong parameter dependence with the fault acting as
either a barrier or a conduit for gas flow. Furthermore, the storage
operation greatly affects the gas leakage rates for a given parametrisation
with significant leakage only during the injection periods and thus during
increased overpressures in the storage formation. During injection, the peak
leakage rates can be as high as 2308 Sm3 d−1 for damage zone
permeabilities of 10 mD and a capillary entry pressure of 4 bar. Increasing
capillary entry pressure results in a sealing effect. If the capillary entry
pressure is scaled according to the damage zone permeability, peak leakage
rates can be higher, i.e. 3240 Sm3 d−1 for 10 mD and 0.13 bar. During
withdrawal periods, the pressure gradient between a storage formation and a
fault zone is reduced or even reversed, resulting in greatly reduced leakage
rates or even a temporary stop of the leakage. Total leakage volume from
storage formation was assessed based on the 2-D study by considering the
exposure of the gas-filled part of the storage formation to the fault zone
and subsequently compared with gas in place volume.