Latar belakang: Gas hidrogen sulfida (H2S), yang mudah terbakar dan berbau, akan dibusukan anaerob oleh mikroorganisme dalam sampah. Jumlah timbulan sampah per hari lebih dari 500 ton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi potensi bahaya yang ditimbulkan oleh paparan gas hidrogen sulfida kepada pemulung di TPA Air Dingin..Metode: Jenis penelitian ini ialah naratif menggunakan metode kuantitatif pendekatan Analisis Risiko Lingkungan (ARKL). Pengukuran konsentrasi H2S pada ketika pagi dan sore hari sebanyak 3 titik. Data pada analisis secara univariat serta analisis risiko.Hasil: Konsentrasi gas H2S pagi hari tertinggi sebanyak 0,006 ppm, konsentrasi gas H2S sore hari tertinggi 0,00 ppm serta homogen-homogen konsentrasi gas H2S 0,005 ppm. Nilai RQ realtime 0,93, sedangkan nilai RQ lifetime 1,98, pada atas 1.Simpulan: Kandungan gas H2S pada TPA Air Dingin mempunyai risiko gangguan kesehatan terhadap pemulung, sebagai akibatnya perlu dilakukan manajemen risiko, pemantauan dan pengukuran gas H2S dan penggunaan indera pelindung diri buat mengurangi pajanan gas H2S. ABSTRACT Title: Risk analysis Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) exposure to Scavenger in The Air Dingin Landfill Padang CityBackground: A gas called hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is flammable and pungent, is created when trash is cardio-decomposed. One of the landfills, Air Dingin, produces H2S fuel. 500 tons of garbage are produced per day on average. This analysis aims to look into the possibility of scavengers at the Air Dingin dump being exposed to hydrogen sulfide fuel.Method: This study used the quantitative environmental risk analysis (ARKL) approach and was a descriptive research project. 58 scavengers were used as the sample in this investigation using a straightforward random sampling method. H2S concentration was measured at three intervals in the morning and afternoon. Univariate and risk analyses were used to analyze the data.Result: The highest concentration of H2S gas in the morning was 0,00 ppm, the highest concentration H2S gas in the afternoon wa 0,006 ppm and average concentration of H2S gas was 0,005 ppm. The realtime RQ value is 0,93, while the lifetime RQ value is 1,98, above 1.Conclusion: The H2S gas content in the Air Dingin Landfill has risk of health problems for scavengers, so it necessary to carry out risk management, monitoring and measuring H2S gas and using personal protective equipment to minimize H2S gas exposure