This work aims at exploring the potential energy surfaces of C 24 H n=0, 6,12,18,24 up to 20-25 eV using the genetic algorithm in combination with the density functional based tight binding (DFTB) potential. The structural diversity of the non fragmented structures was analysed using order parameters which were chosen as the number of 5 or 6 member rings and the asphericity constant . The most abundant and lowest energy population was found to correspond to a fakes population, constituted of isomers of variable shapes possessing a large number of 5 or 6-carbon rings. This population is characterized by a larger number of spherical isomers when n H /n C increases. Simultaneously, the fraction of the pretzels population constituted of spherical isomers possessing fewer 5 or 6 carbon ring cycles increases. For all hydrogenation rates, the fraction of cages population, possessing the largest number of 5 or 6-carbon rings remains extremely minor while the branched population, characterized by the smallest number of 5 or 6-carbon rings, is the highest energy population for all n H /n C ratios. For all C 24 H n=0,6,12,18,24 clusters, a detailed study of the evolution of the carbon ring size distribution as a function of energy clearly shows that the stability is correlated to the number of 6-carbon rings. A similar study for hybridization sp n (n=1-3) shows that 3 the number of sp 1 carbon atoms increases with energy while globally the number of sp carbon atoms increases with n H /n C . The average values of the ionization potentials of all populations, obtained at the self-consistent charge DFTB level, were found to decrease when n H /n C increases, ranging from 7.9 eV down to 6.4 eV. We correlated this trend to geometric and electronic factors, in particular to carbon atoms hybridization n sp (n=1-3). These results are of astrophysical interest as they should be taken into account in astrophysical models especially regarding the role of carbonaceous species in the gas ionization.