The purpose of this study is to produce a guideline for collecting essential data, such as hydraulic and hydrologic data, in unmeasured streams. Most small streams are unmeasured basins, and sufficient data has not been collected for designing floods to achieve adequate disaster response and management. The flood design of unmeasured streams in Korea is typically performed using numerical-based analysis and stochastic methods. However, it is known that the most suitable method is the flood frequency analysis using observed flood data. In this study, a field survey of 89 small streams across the country for two years (2018 and 2019) was performed to select the optimum sites for measuring the flow rates. A total of 79 small streams were selected, excluding small streams that failed to satisfy the criteria for conformity with the closed-circuit television-based automatic discharge measurement technology (CADMT). In addition, information on the characteristics of the small streams was collected from the National Disaster Management System to analyze the correlations between the selected streams. The results showed that the correlations significantly depended on the basin area. If we classify the small streams according to the basin area and then select the small measuring stream to apply CADMT, we can obtain useful hydraulic data from the various small streams.