Abstract.In this investigation, the influence of disaggregated rainfall data sets with different degrees of spatial consistence on rainfall runoff modeling results is analyzed for three meso-scale catchments in Lower Saxony, Germany. For the disaggregation of daily rainfall time series into hourly values a multiplicative random cascade model is applied. The disaggregation is applied on a per station basis without consideration of surrounding stations, hence subsequent steps are then required to implement 15 spatial consistence. Spatial consistence is here represented by three bivariate spatial rainfall characteristics, complementing each other. A resampling algorithm and a parallelization approach are evaluated against the disaggregated time series without any subsequent steps. With respect to rainfall, clear differences between these three approaches can be identified regarding bivariate spatial rainfall characteristics, areal rainfall intensities and extreme values. The resampled time series lead to the best agreement with the observed ones. Using these different rainfall data sets as input to hydrological modeling, 20 we hypothesize that derived runoff statistics are subject to similar differences as well. However, an impact on the runoff statistics summer and winter peak flows, monthly average discharge and flow duration curve of the simulated runoff time series cannot be detected. Several modifications of the investigation using rainfall runoff models with and without parameter calibration or using different rain gauge densities lead to similar results in runoff statistics. Only if the spatially highly resolved rainfall-runoff WaSiM-model is applied instead of the semi-distributed HBV-IWW-model, slight differences 25 regarding the seasonal peak flows can be identified. Hence, the hypothesis formulated before is rejected in this case study. These findings suggest that (i) simple model structures might compensate for deficiencies in spatial representativeness through parameterization and (ii) highly resolved hydrological models benefit from improved spatial modeling of rainfall.Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., https://doi