Mining throughout the Floridan aquifer system alters groundwater conditions. Determination of magnitude and extent of groundwater alterations in this regional karst aquifer system is difficult due to preferential flow paths, blasting, and widespread aquifer withdrawals and injections. Additionally, hydrologic models do not reveal subsurface impacts to the biotic environment, such as destruction of vegetative buffers, which are essential habitat for endangered and threatened species and other wildlife, and degradation from invasive species responding to hydroperiod disruptions. Our case study uses remote sensing and a geographic information system (GIS) to evaluate near-infrared (NIR) data for natural herbaceous depressional (wet prairie) wetlands in a central Florida phosphate mining area. These wetlands characteristically are dominated by graminoids, which have lower NIR reflectance and consequent digital numbers (DNs) in remotely sensed imagery than invasive species associated with hydroperiod alterations. Maximum aquifer withdrawals of 76,457 m 3 /d were permitted in November 1977 and remain active for study-area mines, which are surrounded primarily by un-irrigated pasture. Digital color infrared aerial imagery acquired in winter 2003-04 (1