The genetic advantages t o the use o f Arabidopsis thaliana mutants for the study of auxin metabolism previously have been partially offset by the complexity of indolic metabolism in this plant and by the lack of proper methods. To address some of these problems, we developed isotopic labeling methods t o determine amounts and examine the metabolism of indolic compounds in Arabidopsis. lsolation and identification of endogenous indole-3-acetonitrile (IAN; a possible precursor of the auxin indole-3-acetic acid [IAAI) was carried out under mild conditions, thus proving i t s natural occurrence. We describe here the synthesis of 13Cl-labeled I A N and i t s utility i n the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry quantification o f endogenous IAN levels. We also quantified the nonenzymatic conversion o f I A N t o IAA under conditions used t o hydrolyze IAA conjugates. 13C1-Labeled I A N was used t o assess the contribution of I A N t o measured IAA following hydrolysis of IAA conjugates. We studied the stability and breakdown of the indolic glucosinolate glucobrassicin, which is known t o be present i n Arabidopsis. This is potentially an important concern when using Arabidopsis for studies of indolic biochemistry, since the levels of indolic auxins and auxin precursors are well below the levels of the indolic glucosinolates. We found that under conditions of extraction and base hydrolysis, formation of IAA from glucobrassicin was negligible.The study of plant hormone biogenesis and metabolism has been enhanced greatly by the application of genetic techniques, especially the use of metabolic mutants (Normanly et al., 1995). Various plants have been used for such biochemical genetic studies and these include maize, pea, tobacco, and Lemna gibba. The use of Arabidopsis for such studies has significant advantages because of the simplicity of its genome, short life cycle, and the existence of an impressive number of mutant plants and information concerning specific genes. For studies of auxin metabolism, however, the advantages associated with Arabidopsis pre-