Abstract. Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for living organisms. Under P-limiting conditions plants and microorganisms can exude extracellular phosphatases that release inorganic phosphate (P i ) from organic phosphorus compounds (P org ). Phytic acid (myo-inositol hexakisphosphate, IP 6 ) is an important form of P org in many soils. The enzymatic hydrolysis of IP 6 by phytase yields available P i and less phosphorylated inositol derivates as products. The hydrolysis of organic P compounds by phosphatases leaves an isotopic imprint on the oxygen isotope composition (δ 18 O) of released P i , which might be used to trace P in the environment. This study aims at determining the effect of phytase on the oxygen isotope composition of released P i . For this purpose, enzymatic assays with histidine acid phytases from wheat and Aspergillus niger were prepared using IP 6 , adenosine 5 -monophosphate (AMP) and glycerophosphate (GPO 4 ) as substrates. For a comparison to the δ 18 O of P i released by other extracellular enzymes, enzymatic assays with acid phosphatases from potato and wheat germ with IP 6 as a substrate were prepared. During the hydrolysis of IP 6 by phytase, four of the six P i were released, and one oxygen atom from water was incorporated into each P i . This incorporation of oxygen from water into P i was subject to an apparent inverse isotopic fractionation (ε ∼ 6 to 10 ‰), which was similar to that imparted by acid phosphatase from potato during the hydrolysis of IP 6 (ε ∼ 7 ‰), where less than three P i were released. The incorporation of oxygen from water into P i during the hydrolysis of AMP and GPO 4 by phytase yielded a normal isotopic fractionation (ε ∼ −12 ‰), similar to values reported for acid phosphatases from potato and wheat germ. We attribute this similarity in ε to the same amino acid sequence motif (RHGXRXP) at the active site of these enzymes, which leads to similar reaction mechanisms. We suggest that the striking substrate dependency of the isotopic fractionation could be attributed to a difference in the δ 18 O values of the C-O-P bridging and non-bridging oxygen atoms in organic phosphate compounds.