To provide a solid chemical basis for the mechanistic interpretations of the thio effects observed for large ribozymes, the cleavage of triribonucleoside 3',3',5'-phosphoromonothioate triesters and diribonucleoside 3',3'-phosphorodithioate diesters has been studied. To elucidate the role of the neighboring hydroxy group of the departing 3'-linked nucleoside, hydrolysis of 2',3'-O-methyleneadenosin-5'-yl bis[5'-O-methyluridin-3'-yl] phosphoromonothioate (1 a) has been compared to the hydrolysis of 2',3'-O-methyleneadenosin-5'-yl 5'-O-methyluridin-3'-yl 2',5'-di-O-methyluridin-3'-yl phosphoromonothioate (1 b) and the hydrolysis of bis[uridin-3'-yl] phosphorodithioate (2 a) to the hydrolysis of uridin-3'-yl 2',5'-di-O-methyluridin-3'-yl phosphorodithioate (2 b). The reactions have been followed by RP HPLC over a wide pH range. The phosphoromonothioate triesters 1 a,b undergo two competing reactions: the starting material is cleaved to a mixture of 3',3'- and 3',5'-diesters, and isomerized to 2',3',5'- and 2',2',5'-triesters. With phosphorodithioate diesters 2 a,b, hydroxide-ion-catalyzed cleavage of the P--O3' bond is the only reaction detected at pH >6, but under more acidic conditions desulfurization starts to compete with the cleavage. The 3',3'-diesters do not undergo isomerization. The hydroxide-ion-catalyzed cleavage reaction with both 1 a and 2 a is 27 times as fast as that compared with their 2'-O-methylated counterparts 1 b and 2 b. The hydroxide-ion-catalyzed isomerization of the 3',3',5'-triester to 2',3',5'- and 2',2',5'-triesters with 1 a is 11 times as fast as that compared with 1 b. These accelerations have been accounted for by stabilization of the anionic phosphorane intermediate by hydrogen bonding with the 2'-hydroxy function. Thio substitution of the nonbridging oxygens has an almost negligible influence on the cleavage of 3',3'-diesters 2 a,b, but the hydrolysis of phosphoromonothioate triesters 1 a,b exhibits a sizable thio effect, k(PO)/k(PS)=19. The effects of metal ions on the rate of the cleavage of diesters and triesters have been studied and discussed in terms of the suggested hydrogen-bond stabilization of the thiophosphorane intermediates derived from 1 a and 2 a.