Analgesic and nonanalgesic effects ofintravenous hydromorphone -Relation to plasma concentrations in healthy volunteers. Pain Res Manage 1996;1(2):86-92.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the analgesic and nonanalgesic effects and the pharmacokinetics of an intravenous infusion of 2 mg hydromorphone over 20 mins. DESIGN: Open study. SUBJECTS: Twelve healthy volunteers. MEASUREMENTS: The analgesic effect of hydromorphone was evaluated serially using pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) measured on the third fingers and toes. The nonanalgesic effects of hydromorphone were measured as miosis, decrease of saliva production and central nervous effects such as euphoria/dysphoria, nausea, headache, fatigue and feeling of heaviness. Plasma concentration of hydromorphone was measured using high performance liquid chromatography. RES UL TS: PPTs were significantly increased compared with baseline levels for up to 2 h after the infusion of hydromorphone. Significant miosis and reduction of saliva production were registered up to 6 h after drug administration. Fatigue and heaviness were reported by all subjects. In the studied opioid-naive subjects, the hydromorphone-induced analgesic effect was of shorter duration than the studied nonanalgesic effects. The terminal elimination half-life of hydromorphone was 1.87±0.4 h (± SD) (95% CI 1.61 to 2.13), systemic clearance was 1.81±0.25 L/min (95% CI 1.65 to 1.97) and volume of distribution was 4.15±0.86 L/kg (95% CI 3.6 to 4.71). CONCLUSION: Analgesia and nonanalgesic effects appear to be well correlated with the plasma concentrations of the hydromorphone. MESURES : L' effet analgesique de l 'hydromorphone a ete evalue en series en utilisant les seuils de la douleur a la pression mesures sur le majeur et le gros orteil. Les effets non analgesiques de l 'hydromorphone ont ete mesures en tant que myosis, diminution de la production de salive et effets du systeme nerveux central tels I' euphorie ou la dysphorie, la nausee, les cephalees, la fatigue et la sensation de lourdeur. La concentration plasmatique d'hydromorphone a ete mesuree par chromatographie haute performance. RESULT A TS : Les seuils de la douleur a la pression augmentaient considerablement comparativement aux valeurs de base jusqu'a deux heures apres la perfusion d 'hydromorphone. Un myosis important ainsi qu'une diminution de la production de salive ont ete enregistres jusqu'a 6 h apres !'administration du medicament. La fatigue et la sensation de lourdeur ont ete rapportees par tous les sujets. Dans le groupe etudie de sujets naifs a l'opio"ide, l'effet analgesique induit par l'hydromorphone persistait moins longtemps que les effets non analgesiques etudies. La demi-vie d'elimination finale de l'hydromorphone etait de 1,87±0,4 h (±ecart-type) (IC 95 % 1,61-2,13), la clairance systemique etait de 1,81 ±0,25 L/minute (IC 95 % 1,65-1,97) et le volume de distribution de 4,15±0,86 L/kg (IC 95 % 3,71). CONCLUSION: L'analgesie et les effets non analgesiques semblent correler avec les concentrations plasmatiques de l'hydromorphone.