Responses of cortical cell turgor ( P ) following rapid changes in osmotic pressure (m,,,) were measured throughout the elongation zone of maize (Zea mays 1.) roots using a cell pressure probe and compared with simultaneously measured root elongation to evaluate: yield threshold ( Y ) (minimum P for growth), wall extensibility, growth-zone radial hydraulic conductivity (K), and turgor recovery rate. Small increases in rr,,, (0.1 MPa) temporarily decreased P and growth,;which recovered fully in 5 to 10 min. Under stronger rr,,, Roots adjust their growth rate when subjected to water stress. The phenomenon is commonly studied using Lockhart's concept of growth, which relates growth to cell wall mechanics and hydraulic and osmotic properties of the growing tissue (Lockhart, 1965;Hsiao et al., 1976;Boyer, 1985;Cosgrove, 1986). Of the parameters in the Lockhart equations, the yield threshold Y and wall extensibility m are often evaluated from plots (usually linear) of growth rates versus P, with Y representing the intercept on the P axis and m representing the slope for roots (Pritchard et al., 1990b) as well as leaves (Bunce, 1977;Hsiao and Jing, 1987 , 1990a, 1991, 1993Spollen and Sharp, 1991). Indeed, early work on algae (Green et al., 1971) and more recently on roots (Hsiao and Jing, 1987;Frensch and Hsiao, 1994) showed rapid changes of Y with water stress. Measurements of P and root growth during osmotic transitions revealed values of Y much closer to P (Frensch and Hsiao, 1994). This indicates that m is large and factors different from changes in m could be equally or more important in determining rates of elongation. The rate of cell expansion along the elongation zone is not uniform. For maize (Zea mays L.) roots, local relative Abbreviations: A, surface area (m'); AT,,,, change of osmotic pressure in the medium (MPa); E, volumetric elastic coefficient (MPa); ER, elongation rate (mm h-'); k, rate constant of water exchange (s-'); K, tissue hydraulic conductivity coefficient (m2 s-' MPa-I); LRER, local relative elongation rate (h-'); LVDT, linear variable differential transducer; m, cell wall extensibility (MPa-' h-'); P, cell turgor (MPa); Pmin (P,,,), minimum (maximum) turgor measured during the response of P to a decrease (increase) in V of the medium; ( P -Y), growth-effective turgor; T, osmotic pressure (MPa); V, water potential (MPa); r, radius (mm); t,,2, half-time of water exchange (s); V, volume (m3); Y, yield threshold (MPa); Ytrans,', Y evaluated from the turgor decline phase during the biphasic pressure-response curve; Ytrans,2, similar to Ytrans,' but evaluated from the turgor recovery instead of the decline phase; z, length of the root elongation zone; subscript "c" associates a parameter with a cell; subscript "m" associates a parameter with the medium; subscript "r" associates a parameter with the root; subscript "t" indicates the dependency of a parameter on time; subscript "z" associates a parameter with respect to its position along the elongation on May 12, 2018 -P...