The tectonic evolution of the ANS can be described by three major successive stages: 1) subduction stage (~850-635 Ma), characterized by island arc volcanics, volcanosedimentary assemblages and metagabbro-diorite intrusive rocks, (2) continental orogeny stage (~635-590 Ma), characterized by transitional magmatism of calc-alkaine intrusions, tectonic escape and extension, and (3) postcollision stage (590-540 Ma), characterized by emplacement of fresh gabbro and alkaline granitic masses (Khalil et al., 2016 and references contained therein). The basement rocks in the ED occur as an elongated belt 800 km long, parallel to the Red Sea coast, comprising a series of intra-oceanic island arcs, oceanic islands, obducted oceanic lithosphere, continental plutons and molasse-type sediments. The basement belt outcrops from the Ras Gharieb area in the north to the Egypt-Sudan border in the south, hosting more than a hundred widelydistributed gold occurrences in Egypt (Fig. 1b). There are three main models for the genetic evolution of gold in Egypt: 1) orogenic gold related to hydrothermal activity, which is either derived from pure metamorphic or combined metamorphic-magmatic sources (e.g. Gidami (12) ,