Perovskite-structured AgNbO 3 is a promising lead-free ferroelectric material that at room temperature exhibits weak ferroelectric behavior with a large polarization under an applied electric field. Here we report first-principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) simulations of monocrystalline AgNbO 3 over a range of temperatures to examine the microscopic polarization switching mechanism. Polarization switching is found to occur at temperatures around 200 K and above; regardless of whether the simulations commence from the antiferroelectric Pbcm structure or ferroelectric Pmc2 1 structure, above 200 K the crystal fluctuates between the two forms. The FPMD are consistent with the coexistence of the two phases at room temperature, which can explain the mixed ferroelectric/antiferroelectric behavior, such as double P-E hysteresis loops, observed experimentally.