In recent years, the growing interest is observed in studying lanthanide complexes with bioligands, such as anions of amino acids and peptides [1], tetracycline [2], quinolone [3], and β lactam [4] antibiotics, and other bioactive and medicinal substances. On the one hand, this is caused by the creation of new high sensi tive methods for the analysis of bioobjects on the basis of the luminescent properties of lanthanide complexes [5] and, on the other hand, by the prospects of the application of these complexes as medicines [6][7][8]. Moreover, studies of lanthanide ion complexes give interesting information on the coordination abilities of bioligands. As a rule, lanthanide complexes with bioligands are formed in a neutral or weakly alkaline medium, thus requiring the hydrolysis of Ln 3+ ions to be correctly taken into consideration and the hydroly sis constants K h determined under the same experi mental conditions to be introduced into computa tional equations.The hydrolysis of Ln 3+ ions have been studied repeatedly. A review of the works published on this topic before 1977 is given in [9]. Later obtained results are reviewed in . However, K h values estimated in most of these works can usually not be used to study complexation processes, as they were determined under other conditions (at a very high or low ionic strength and a temperature different from 25°С). In many cases, data were obtained for only some ions instead of the entire series of lanthanides. The thermo dynamic hydrolysis constants obtained in some works via referring values to zero ionic strength have different values (Table 1).Having the further study of complexation of lan thanide(III) ions with a number of bioligands in the view, in this work we were intended to estimate the hydrolysis constants of Ln 3+ ions at 25°С by pH titra tion against the background of 0.1 M KNO 3 , that is, under the conditions typical for studying complex ation in solutions. EXPERIMENTAL 0.05 M Ln(NO 3 ) 3 solutions (where Ln is La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, or Lu) were prepared from weighed portions of recrystallized Ln(NO 3 ) 3 ⋅ 6H 2 O salts and standardized by complexo metric titration. The purity of Ln(NO 3 ) 3 ⋅ 6H 2 O sam ples was monitored by X ray fluorescence spectros copy on a Spectroscan Max G. spectrometer. A 0.1 M KNO 3 solution was prepared from a weighed portion of KNO 3 (chemically pure grade). A 0.0429 M NaOH solution was prepared from a weighed portion of metallic sodium and standardized by the pH titration of a weighed portion of potassium biphthalate. All solutions were prepared with the use of bidistilled water previously boiled to remove CO 2 . pH was mea sured on a Microtechna M120 ion meter equipped with a Crytur 01 21 measuring glass electrode and a Radelkis OP 0830P saturated calomel reference elec trode. The system was calibrated against buffer solu tions of Na 2 B 4 O 7 (pH 9.18 at 25°С) and KH 3 (C 2 O 4 ) 2 (pH 1.68 at 25°С). The pH measurement accuracy was ±0.01.A 0.1 M KNO 3 solution (100 mL) and a Ln(NO 3 ) 3 s...