Calcium phosphate nanoparticles have ah igh biocompatibility and biodegradability due to their chemical similarity to human hard tissue, for example, bone and teeth. They can be used as efficient carriers for different kinds of biomolecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, peptides, antibodies, or drugs,w hich alone are not able to enter cells where their biological effect is required. They can be loaded with cargom olecules by incorporating them, unlike solid nanoparticles, and also by surface functionalization.This offersp rotection,f or example, against nucleases,a nd the possibility forc ell targeting. If such nanoparticles are functionalized with fluorescing dyes, they can be appliedf or imagingi nv itro and in vivo. Synthesis, functionalization and cell uptake mechanismso fc alcium phosphate nanoparticles are discussed together with applications in transfection, gene silencing, imaging, immunization, and bone substitution. Biodistribution data of calcium phosphate nanoparticles in vivo are reviewed.