Among the various functions of the liver, the formation of bile plays an important role. The optimal physiological ratio of bile components and the content of testosterone in the blood depend on various factors that can cause biliary system dysfunction and secretion. In experiments on different-sex rats, changes in bile acid contents of bile under the influence of testosterone propionate, which was injected intramuscularly 0.7 mg/kg, for 5 days were investigated. With the method of thin-layer chromatography, the basic fractions of bile acids conjugated in the bile were defined – taurocholic, taurochenodeoxycholic and taurodeoxycholic, glycocholic, glycochenodeoxycholic and glycodeoxycholic and free – cholic, chenodeoxycholic and deoxycholic acids. Conjugation rates were calculated (the ratio of the sum of conjugated cholates to the amount of free ones) and hydroxylation (ratio of the sum of trihydroxycholate bile acids to the sum of dihydroxycholanic) bile acids. In the bile of female rats almost all concentrations of cholates increased, except glycochenodeoxycholic and glycodeoxycholic acids. The calculated conjugation index on the whole did not undergo significant changes, but the hydroxylation factor increased, which may indicate an intensification of bile acid biosynthesis by neutral means, which is realized by 7α-hydroxylation of cholesterol. Under the influence of the hormone in male rats, the content of conjugated bile acids increased, and as for the free ones – a multidirectional effect of testosterone is observed, in particular, the concentration of cholic acid significantly decreased, indicating the activation of the poly-enzyme systems providing its conjugation with glycine and taurine. In connection with the wide use of the drug testosterone propionate and in view of its identified effects on the bile acid contents of the course of intramuscular administration, it is advisable to investigate the effect of this drug on the productive capacity of the liver.