SynopsisThe collagen-like peptides (r,-Pro-r,-Pro-Gly), and (L-Pro-1.-Hyp-Gly), with n = 5 and 10, were examined in terms of their triple helix +coil transitions in aqueous and nonaqueous solvents. The peptides were soluble in 1,2-propanediol containing 3% acetic acid and they were found to form triple-helical structures in this solvent system. The water content of the solvent system and the amount of water bound to the peptides were assayed by equilibrating the solvent with molecular sieves and carrying out Karl Fischer titrations on the solvent phase. After the solvent was dehydrated, much less than one molecule of water per tripeptide unit was bound to the peptides. Since the peptides remained in a triple-helical conformation, the results indicated that water was not an essential component of the triple-helical structure. Comparison of peptides with the same chain length demonstrated that the presence of hydroxyproline increased the thermal stability of the triple helix even under anhydrous conditions. The results, therefore, did not support recent hypotheses that hydroxyproline stabilizes the triple helix of collagen and collagen-like peptides by a specific interaction with water molecules. Analysis of the thermal transition curves in several solvent systems showed that although the peptides containing hydroxyproline had t , values which were 18.6' to 32.7"C higher, the effect of hydroxyproline on AG was only 0.1 to 0.3 kcal per tripeptide unit a t 25°C. The results suggested, therefore, that the influence of hydroxyproline on helical stability may he explained by intrinsic effects such as dipole-dipole interactions or by changes in the solvation of the peptides by alcohol, acetic acid, and water. A direct calorimetric measurement ofthe transition enthalpy for (IA-Pro-r,-Pro-Gly), in 3% or 1 O O h acetic acid gave a value of -1.84 kcal per tripeptide unit for the coil-to-helix transition. From this value for enthalpy and from data on the effects of different chain lengths on the thermal transition, it was calculated that the apparent free energy for nucleation was +5 kcal/mol at 25°C (apparent nucleation parameter = 2 X lo-" M-". The value was dependent on solvent and on chemical modification of end groups.