In rummury, pretreatment with IHPSS pro-'i' 4 '1 488 c'b R E' F'. 1 H F n~. . 'd d. .-t ., I. ..-. i'. ' " c n ('.. ., ItzpatrlcC,. . 1:112. J. '1 e. protectIOn ng:lln~, fbC len~lC I mJUf) 'U 1m-.. Amer; 1\h'd. ASiO '. £19: 1056. prO\"lng the p£'rcentage 0 SUITIya as we as ' 5. l\liller, H. C.; AI ander, J. W. 19i2. Transpl. renal function \\'hen givcn at the appropriatef Proc.l.: 595.