The use of extradural analgesia in operative obstetrics has been investigated and retined in recent years so that it has become an established, safe and generally reliable method to provide anaesthesia for lower segment Caesarean section. Thc use of a two-stage top-up technique' has been particularly effettive in achieving adequate analgesia without blockade that extends to cervical segments. Subarachnoid anaesthesia is less well established in this area and the use of an isobaric agent, such as 0.5% bupivacaine plain solution, has been shown to be unreliable and to produce occasional high blocks.*-' The aim of this study was to identify a technique of subarachnoid anaesthesia that would produce adequate analgesia for a sufficient duration of time but without dangerously high blockade. The volumes chosen of the respective agents were based on our previous clinical experience.
MethodsMothers admitted to the study were those who had requested regional analgesia for their elective Caesarean section arid had given conscnt for spinal anaesthesia. They were randomly allocatcd to two groups: 20 received 2.0 ml O.S"/i, cinchocaine in 64'0 dextrose, and 20 received 2.5 ml 0.5'.;, hupivacainc in 8"% dextrose.
Tc.chniqueIn all mothers the circulation was prcloaded with 1 .S litres Hartmann's solution given over 20.-30 minutes before injection of local anaesthetic. Lumbar puncture was performed at the level of the Lz , interspace. using a %-gauge spinal needle with the niothcr o n the operating table in thc left lateral position. L,,2 or L, were used only if lumbar puncture was not possible at Lz 3. The predetermined volume of local anaesthetic was then injected over [20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30] seconds without barhotage. and the mother immediately returned to the supine position with left lateral tilt to avoid aortocaval compression. The mother's head was rested on two pillows, primarily lor comfort but also to limit the ascent of blockade. Oxygen was given at a rate of 4-5 litres; minute until delivcry of the infants. lntravcnous ephedrine was given in 3-6-mg increments if hypotension less than 90 rnmHg systolic occurred.
Ub s~~r v u i i o n sObservations were made on a double-blind basis in that the assessor had no knowledge of the agent or volume used. Arterial blood prcssure and heart rate were recorded at one-minute intervals for 5 ininutcs and thereafter every 5