Acute acoustic trauma is defined as a sudden sensorineural hearing loss that occurs after an exposure to acoustic overstimulation. Increasing the oxygen in perilymph can be a treatment modality. Our study aims to investigate the influence of normobaric oxygen therapy on the recovery of acute acoustic trauma and to compare it with the hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Three groups of rats (5 rats each) were exposed to white noise for 1 hour. Sensorineural hearing loss was identified using distortion product otoacoustic emission. Subsequently, the first group was treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy, the second group was treated with normobaric oxygen therapy, and the third group did not receive any treatment and was used as a control group.
There was a statistically significant difference within time for frequencies of 1, 1.5, and 2 kHz, but there was no statistically significant difference between groups. For frequencies of 3, 4, 5, and 6 kHz, there was a statistically significant difference within time and between groups. Between groups, recovery of distortion product otoacoustic emission values in all frequencies was better in the control group by the third, fifth, and seventh days. Comparing the values of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and normobaric oxygen therapy groups, it was observed that by the third day, the hyperbaric oxygen therapy values were better than those of the normobaric oxygen therapy values. However, by the fifth and seventh days, the normobaric oxygen therapy values were better (except at a frequency of 1 kHz).
Because there is a high rate of spontaneous recovery, physicians should be more selective to treat patients with oxygen therapies.