Purpose: To test the hypothesis that the MAC values of nitrous oxide (N20) and isoflurane were not linearly additive, as theorized by the postulated mode of action based on lipid solubility, in a rat model.
Methods:Eight Long Evans rats were randomly assigned to order of measurement of MAC for isoflurane and N20 alone and in combination using standard 45 sec supramaximal electrical stimulation (50 volts x 10 msec duration pulses at 50"sec -* applied for 45 sec sc to the lower abdominal groin area), The MAC of N20 was measured at hyperbaric compression to 2.25 atmospheres absolute, 1710 mmHg.Results: The MAC values found were: isoflurane -0.98 _ 0.12 and N20 -159 _ 12 volume (vol) %, or 1.59 -+ 0.12 atmospheres absolute (ATA) (jAil values are mean _ standard deviation). The linear additivity theory suggests % MAC agent A + % MAC agent B = 1.0. However, % MAC isoflurane + % MAC N20 = 1.37 + 0. 15 (P < .001).Conclusion: Nonlinear additivity was demonstrated with direct MAC measurement for both isoflurane and N20 in rats, This suggests an agonist-antagonist relationship. M&hodes : Huit rats de souche Long Evans ont Et~ attribuEs de fa~on alEatoire & la sequence de mesure de la CAM pour risoflurane et le N20 de fa~on isolEe ainsi que pour la combinaison des deux. Le test utilisE a ~tE une stimulation Electrique supra maximale standard d'une dur~e de 45 sec (stimuli de 50 volts, d'une durEe de 10 msec, d'une frequence de 50"sec-' appliques durant 45 sec par voie sc & la region inguinale basse). La CAM du N20 a EtE mesur~e en condition hyperbare & 2.25 atmospheres, soit 1710 mmHg.Rksultats : Les CAM trouv~es ~taient les suivantes: isoflurane: 0,98 _ 0,12 et N20:159 -12 vol % ou 1.59 O, 12 atmospheres en valeur absolue (ATA) (toutes les valeurs reprEsentent la moyenne • ~cart type). La th~orie de I'addition lin~aire propose que % CAM agent A + % CAM agent B = I. Cependant, dans cette Etude,, le % CAM isoflurane + % CAM N20 = 1,37 +-0,15 (P<0,001).Conclusion : Une additivitE non lin~aire a ~t~ d~montrEe par des mesures directes de la CAM de I'isoflurane et du N20 chez le rat. Ceci suggEre une relation agoniste-antagoniste. T HE mode of action of halogenated anaesthetic agents is theorized to be based upon their lipid solubility. With this theory there is a predicted linear additivity of potencies for different agents. ~ This assessment of gaseous anaesthetic agent potency, is reflected by its MAC value, with MAC being the minimum alveolar concentration of a specific agent which prevents purposeful movement in response to supramaximal stimulation in 50% of subjects, whether animal or human. 2,s Nonlinear additivity of the potencies of the anaesthetic, but non-halogenated, gas nitrous ofide (N20) and the halogenated agents, such as halothane, enflurane and isoflurane has been reportedA s However, in previous studies, the MAC of the halogenated agent alone has been documented. The N20 MAC has been extrapolated, but not measured, because determination of N20 MAC, which is greater than one atmosphere absolute, requires testin...