In the present research note, we discuss the energy–momentum squared gravity model F(R,T2) coupled with perfect fluid. We obtain the equation of state for the perfect fluid in the F(R,T2)-gravity model. Furthermore, we deal with the energy–momentum squared gravity model F(R,T2) coupled with perfect fluid, which admits the hyperbolic Ricci solitons with a conformal vector field. We provide a clue in this series to determine the density and pressure in the radiation and phantom barrier periods, respectively. Also, we investigate the rate of change in hyperbolic Ricci solitons within the same vector field. In addition, we determine the different energy conditions, black holes and singularity conditions for perfect fluid attached to F(R,T2)-gravity in terms of hyperbolic Ricci solitons. Lastly, we deduce the Schrödinger equation for the potential Un with hyperbolic Ricci solitons in the F(R,T2)-gravity model coupled with perfect fluid and a phantom barrier.