Abstract. After describing in short some problems and methods regarding the smoothness of null infinity for isolated systems, I present numerical calculations in which both spatial and null infinity can be studied. The reduced conformal field equations based on the conformal Gauss gauge allow us in spherical symmetry to calculate numerically the entire Schwarzschild-Kruskal spacetime in a smooth way including spacelike, null and timelike infinity and the domain close to the singularity.
MotivationThe main purpose of this article is to study the feasibility of the conformal Gauss gauge in numerical applications. The importance of this gauge lies in its usefulness in the analysis of the gravitational field in a neighbourhood of spatial infinity, as we discuss in the following. For review articles see [12,6].
Isolated SystemsThe motivation to study the regularity of null infinity for asymptotically flat spacetimes arises from interest in the following question: How can we describe the gravitational field of isolated systems in a rigorous and efficient way?Isolated systems in general relativity are self-gravitating models of astrophysical sources. Depending on the context, these can be planets, stars, black holes and even galaxy clusters. It is not the source that makes a system isolated, but the asymptotic region. The gravitational field of isolated systems becomes weak as we move away from the source. As nothing is completely isolated from the rest of the universe and as we can not yet test our assumptions by experiment, details of this idealization need to be decided upon in accordance with our physical intuition, expectation and most importantly, in accordance with the equations describing the model. Isolated systems are modeled in general relativity by asymptotically flat spacetimes in which the metric on the complement of a spatially compact set approaches near infinity the flat metric in a specified way.Many physical concepts like mass, linear and angular momentum are defined in the asymptotic region with respect to infinity. The use of coordinate dependent limits to infinity for calculating these quantities can deliver misleading results if one is not careful enough. A geometric, coordinate independent way to deal with isolated systems has been proposed by Penrose [15] by use of conformally rescaled spacetimes with a smooth conformal boundary. The main idea is to adjoin infinity to the physical spacetime by a conformal rescaling of the metric, as is done in complex analysis, where the Riemann sphere is constructed by adjoining infinity to the complex