We establish a quantum version of the classical isoperimetric inequality relating the Fisher information and the entropy power of a quantum state. The key tool is a Fisher information inequality for a state which results from a certain convolution operation: the latter maps a classical probability distribution on phase space and a quantum state to a quantum state. We show that this inequality also gives rise to several related inequalities whose counterparts are well-known in the classical setting: in particular, it implies an entropy power inequality for the mentioned convolution operation as well as the isoperimetric inequality, and establishes concavity of the entropy power along trajectories of the quantum heat diffusion semigroup. As an application, we derive a Log-Sobolev inequality for the quantum Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup, and argue that it implies fast convergence towards the fixed point for a large class of initial states.for the convolution (3) and for λ = 1/2, where S(ρ X ) = −tr(ρ X log ρ X ) denotes the von Neumann entropy. Subsequent work [14] managed to lift the restriction on λ, and generalized this result to more general (Gaussian) unitaries in place of U λ . A related inequality of the form , 1] was also shown in [13], generalizing classical results [15] (see also [16] for a discussion of the relationship between the two). A generalization to conditional entropies was proposed in [17], and an application to channel capacities was discussed in [18].A key tool in establishing these results is the quantum Fisher information J(ρ), defined for a state ρ as the divergence-based Fisher information of the family ρ (θ) θ obtained by displacing ρ along a phase space direction (see Section 3 for a precise definition). It was shown in [13] for λ = 1/2 and in [14] for general λ ∈ [0, 1] that this quantity satisfies the Fisher information inequality [3]