I n this paper, we study the problem of optimal transmission schedules f o r embedding complete graphs in WDM broadcast-and-select networks. A n optimal transmission schedule is defined to be the one that schedules transmissions such that each node transmits once to every other node within a repeating cycle of minimum length. Our model assumes that the network has N nodes with k wavelength channels, and each node is equipped with multiple tunable transmztters and multiple fixed-tuned receivers. Given a and p (1 5 a , p 5 k ) , we first obtain an optimal transmission schedule with schedule length max{*, P(N -1) + kd} such that each node transmits to each of zts nezghboring nodes exactly cup times withzn this time period assuming that each node has a single transmitter and a single receiver. Using this result, we next show that there exists an optzmal transmisszon schedule with average schedule length max{ , + $8) when each node has a transmitters and P receivers. W e then discuss an O(1og k) algorithm to compute optimal numbers of transmitters and recezvers t o minimize the overall cost of transmitters and receivers in the network while meeting a given bound of schedule length. 0-8186-7591-8/96 $5.00 0 1996 IEEE Proceedings of MPPOI '96