Abstract. We provide conditions for a linear map of the form CR,T (S) = RST to be q-frequently hypercyclic on algebras of operators on separable Banach spaces. In particular, if R is a bounded operator satisfying the q-Frequent Hypercyclicity Criterion, then the map CR(S)=RSR * is shown to be q-frequently hypercyclic on the space K(H) of all compact operators and the real topological vector space S(H) of all self-adjoint operators on a separable Hilbert space H. Further we provide a condition for CR,T to be q-frequently hypercyclic on the Schatten von Neumann classes Sp(H). We also characterize frequent hypercyclicity of CM * ϕ ,M ψ on the trace-class of the Hardy space, where the symbol Mϕ denotes the multiplication operator associated to ϕ.