Abstract. A Lamb-shift polarimeter, which has been built for a fast determination of the polarization of protons and deuterons of an atomic-beam source and which is frequently used in the ANKE experiment at COSY-Jülich, is shown to be an excellent device for atomic-spectroscopy measurements of metastable hydrogen isotopes. It is demonstrated that magnetic and electric dipole transitions in hydrogen can be measured as a function of the external magnetic field, giving access to the full Breit-Rabi diagram for the 2 2 S 1/2 and the 2 2 P 1/2 states. This will allow the study of hyperfine structure, g factors and the classical Lamb shift. Although the data are not yet competitive with state-of-the-art measurements, the potential of the method is enormous, including a possible application to anti-hydrogen spectroscopy. The spectrum of atomic hydrogen (H), unravelled with ever increasing precision, has led to fundamental understanding of the underlying structure and dynamics of the simplest atom. Today, both experiment (e.g., two-photon laser spectroscopy [1,2]) and theory [3] have achieved an impressive level of accuracy in the determination of the energy levels. Additional details and further discoveries may come from either advancing existing techniques or by applying new methods.A possible new approach to performing spectroscopy experiments on hydrogen isotopes is based on a Lambshift polarimeter which would allow measurements of the full Breit-Rabi diagram of the first excited state of H with j = 1/2 (see Fig. 1). Precision data currently exist only for weak magnetic fields of a few Gauss for the ground state [4]. For the metastable state, the crossing of the 2 2 S 1/2 and 2 2 P 1/2 states (β − e crossing of Fig. 1) at field strengths of about 570 G was investigated long ago [5]. In addition to testing the recent relativistic theory of the Zeeman splitting of the first excited state [6,7], systematic Breit-Rabi diagram measurements can also be used to extract g j (H, 2 2 S 1/2 ), g j (H, 2 2 P 1/2 ) and the nuclear g factor. The most recent determination of a hydrogen g j factor for the ground state was performed by Tiedeman and Robinson [8]. Mass independent terms of quantum electrodynamics could be tested to a high degree and a confirmation of the α 3 radiative correction has been achieved. In order to test, e.g., bound-state quantum electrodynamic corrections of the order of α/π for the g j factor, a precision of 1 ppb and better is needed for the hydrogen atom in the ground state [9]. An even better precision would be needed for the first excited state. By putting the hydrogen atom in an external magnetic field, the independence of the hyperfine structure to such conditions can be tested through a combination of measurements of transitions between 2 2 S 1/2 and 2 2 P 1/2 states (Table 1).In 1940, Kusch et al. performed spectroscopy experiments on alkaline atoms in a magnetic field with an improved molecular beam resonance method for atoms and determined the hyperfine structure and nuclear moments from measure...