For a fixed positive integer n and an r-uniform hypergraph H, the Turán number ex(n, H) is the maximum number of edges in an H-free r-uniform hypergraph on n vertices, and the Lagrangian density of H is defined as π λ (H) = sup{r!λ(G) : G is an H-free r-uniform hypergraph}, where). Let us say that an r-uniform hypergraph H on t vertices is perfect if π λ (H) = r!λ(K r t−1 ). A result of Motzkin and Straus imply that all graphs are perfect. It is interesting to explore what kind of hypergraphs are perfect. Let Pt = {e1, e2, . . . , et} be the linear 3-uniform path of length t, that is, |ei| = 3, |ei ∩ ei+1| = 1 and ei ∩ ej = ∅ if |i − j| ≥ 2. We show that P3 and P4 are perfect, this supports a conjecture in [24] proposing that all 3-uniform linear hypergraphs are perfect. Applying the results on Lagrangian densities, we determine the Turán numbers of their extensions.