Development of a short and thick body by re orie ntation of cor tical microtubule s is required for the resistance of plants to the gravitational force. Katanin has microtubules e ve r i n g a c t i v i t y a n d i s i nvo l ve d i n t h e reorientation of cortical microtubules. Here, we investigated the effects of hypergravity produced by centrifugation on the expression of VaKTN1 gene encoding katanin. Hypergravity at 300 G increased the transcript level within 15 min, and the level reached maximum at 45 min. Then, the level was decreased and returned to the control range at 2 h. Also, the expression of VaKTN1 gene was increased transiently by removal of hypergravity stimulus. Changes in the microtubule-severing activity as a result of the modification of VaKTN1 expression in response to changes in gravitational conditions may b e involve d in the re gulation of the orientation of cortical microtubules, leading to changes in the shape of plant body. Lanthanum and gadolinium ions, potential blockers of mechanosensitive calcium ion-permeable channels (mechanoreceptors), nullified the up-regulation of VaKTN1 gene, suggesting that mechanoreceptors are responsible for regulation by gravity of VaKTN1 expression.