<abstract><p>The aim of this paper is to introduce and study the concept of a hyperideal-based zero-divisor graph associated with a general hyperring. This is a generalized version of the zero-divisor graph associated with a commutative ring. For any general hyperring $ R $ having a hyperideal $ I $, the $ I $-based zero-divisor graph $ \Gamma^{(I)}(R) $ associated with $ R $ is the simple graph whose vertices are the elements of $ R\setminus I $ having their hyperproduct in $ I $, and two distinct vertices are joined by an edge when their hyperproduct has a non-empty intersection with $ I $. In the first part of the paper, we concentrate on some general properties of this graph related to absorbing elements, while the second part is dedicated to the study of the $ I $-based zero-divisor graph associated to the general hyperring $ \mathbb{Z}_n $ of the integers modulo $ n $, when $ n = 2p^mq $, with $ p $ and $ q $ two different odd primes, and fixing the hyperideal $ I $.</p></abstract>