The semileptonic decays and two-body nonleptonic decays of light baryon octet (T8) and decuplet (T10) consisting of light u, d, s quarks are studied with the SU(3) flavor symmetry in this work. We obtain the amplitude relations between different decay modes by the SU(3) irreducible representation approach, and then predict relevant branching ratios by present experimental data within 1σ error.We find that the predictions for all branching ratios except B(Ξ → Λ 0 π) and B(Ξ * → Ξπ) are in good agreement with present experimental data, that implies the neglected C+ terms or SU(3) breaking effects might contribute at the order of a few percent in Ξ → Λ 0 π and Ξ * → Ξπ weak decays. We(1.35±0.28)×10 −10 , B(Ξ − → Ξ 0 e −ν e) = (4.2 ± 2.4) × 10 −10 . We also study T10 → T8P8 weak, electromagnetic or strong decays. Some of these decay modes could be observed by the BESIII, LHCb and other experiments in the near future.Due to the very small life times of Σ 0 , Ξ * 0,− , Σ * 0,− and ∆ 0,− , the branching ratios of these baryon weak decays are only at the order of O(10 −20 − 10 −13 ), which are too small to be reached by current experiments. Furthermore, the longitudinal branching ratios of T8A → T8B −ν ( = µ, e) decays are also given.